Searching For A Shirt Manufacturer?

Whether you’re aiming your shirt ranges at the fashion aficionado, city office worker, or the casual weekender, we are dedicated to producing goods to the highest levels of quality. We are shirt manufacturers who develop and produce sharply tailored ranges to meet your requirements, considering all aspects of the design including collar, cuff and placket styles along with custom sizing.

Manufacturing characterful pieces which convey your brand identity whilst adhering to your required price point, we take great care in ensuring the many often neglected details are taken in to consideration. With impeccable attention to detail displayed on all pieces, the small details will never be overlooked.

Handcrafted Shirts:

We develop and produce sharply tailored garments to your custom requirements, we consider all aspects of manufacture including collar, cuff and placket styles along with custom sizing to create an ultra refined feel. With our extensive fabric supply network we are able to manufacture shirts using premium cottons which are sourced to meet your specification.

We produce a vast selection of custom suits including single breasted, double breasted and tuxedos in a range of pure wools.

We manufacture shirts custom to your design, including classic, slim, dress, casual button down and short sleeve.

To complement our suit production, we also offer waistcoats in classic, notched lapel, peak lapel, double breasted and horseshoe.

We produce handcrafted custom ties in both silk and synthetic fibres. From classic and knitted ties to bow ties and pocket squares.